Tram Concept


Self-Initiated Project

This project was carried out in collaboration with the skilled people at Industriromantik. We were responsible for the design while they produced the beautiful visualizations.

The reason that we decided to carry out this project was to show the design possibilities of public transportation if we move away from the traditional limitations and pre-conceived notions of how it should look like. By interjecting new thinking regarding materials, form and design elements we can design public transportation that is not only utilitarian and functional, but that people actually like using and spending time in.

We think collective travel is an important part of a sustainable future. If we want people to choose public transportation over their cars, we need to make it more appealing both in terms of punctuality, comfort and, last but not least, design.

To experience the concept in VR, please click here.

This project was first exhibited at Persontrafikmässan in Stockholm 2018.