shoulder protection for cyclists


Folksam, Trafikverket

Shoulder injuries caused by bicycle accidents is a complicated problem. Idesign has had the chance to develop several shoulder protection for cyclists.
Along with Folksam and with the support of the Trafikverket Skyltfond, Idesign has developed shoulder protection for cyclists. They were displayed on a catwalk during the Tylösands Traffic Safety Conference in 2014. Three cyclist categories were considered for the design. The everyday cyclist got shoulder pads integrated into a cycle west, while the fashion conscious cyclist’s shoulder protection was integrated into backpack shoulder straps in elegant leather, and the exercise rider got shoulder pads sewn in stretchy and adaptable materials worn on top of workout clothes

The prototypes made by Idesign, received great attention when they were shown. The SVT news team reported on it with interviews with traffic safety researcher Maria Krafft, designer Johan Larsvall and the three riders. Shoulder injuries in bicycle accidents is one of the most complicated and difficult injury for cyclists to heal from, often involving complicated operations.